Unlock 5 Differences Between Cheap And Expensive Blinds In Edmonton

Unlock 5 Differences Between Cheap And Expensive Blinds In Edmonton

Imagine you are moving into a new place in Edmonton. What do you do at first to keep your privacy intact? Right, you cover the bare windows with some blinds. But then there comes another question. Which blinds should you go with, cheap ones or expensive ones? It does not only depend on your budget and requirements but also on how your place will look like. 

Think of a room you are chilling in, with dull and monotonous blinds. How does it feel? Totally boring, right? And now imagine stepping into a room with bright, stylish blinds that make the whole place vibrant and full of energy. That’s what the right choice of blinds can do. 

1. Quality of Materials

How do you differentiate between cheap blinds and expensive blinds? The materials speak the last word. 

Cheap blinds are generally made with fragile materials, like low-quality plastic or cardboard. For a moment they might look good, but trust your instinct. It won’t let you choose the worst thing for your heavenly place. Blinds made with cheap materials don’t last long. They are like a plate of snacks that get rotten in a day. 

Whereas, expensive blinds are usually made from high-quality materials like wood or strong metals. They are like that one sturdy toy that never breaks. These materials are strong enough to withstand life’s little accidents - like your child bumping into them or your pet jumping up to see outside. Your decision to invest in good materials will surely benefit you in the long run. You won’t have to worry about wear and tear more often.

2. How Long They Last

Every time we buy something, one question pops up in our mind. “How long will it last?”. 

Expensive blinds are sure to last for a long time. They are made in a way to withstand the test of passing time and frequent use. That means you don’t have to buy new blinds frequently. In the long run, you will be able to save money on your blinds. Because you don’t have to frequently change them.

Now, if you buy some cheap blinds, they will initially look fine. But over time they will start to fade or break because of their cheap materials. Finding no other way out, you have to buy new blinds very soon. It feels frustrating, right? So it’s better to choose blinds wisely to use for a long time.

3. Style and Design

Have you made up your mind about the quality and longevity of the blinds by now? Then let’s talk about style. 

We all want our room or decor to reflect what we are, right? Cheap blinds can disappoint you in that case. They usually come in some basic colours and styles that might not suit your personality or requirements. Choosing cheap blinds is like compromising with your preferences.

Alternatively, expensive blinds offer you a variety of colours and styles to choose from. The plus point is that you can customize these blinds as you want. It’s like you are buying a dress that is tailored just for you. Expensive blinds can make your space look stylish and elegant. They will make it feel like home.

4. Features and Ease of Use

In today’s world, we all are rat racing and for that, we all prefer some ease of work. That’s where the functionality of the blinds matters. 

Cheap blinds don’t usually come with any advanced features. They just go up and down, that’s it. The worst part is that you will have to adjust the whole thing manually. But even after that, you might not be able to control which amount of light should come into your room.

This is where expensive blinds triumph. Many expensive blinds come with motorization or smart home techniques. Imagine you are controlling blinds by just sitting on your couch. Feels so relaxing, right? You can do that with expensive blinds. With a tap on the remote or with a click of a button, you can set the blinds to close automatically in the evening. This is a huge convenience we all long for.

5. Energy Efficiency

Who doesn’t think about energy efficiency when choosing an automatic home appliance? Yeah, we all do.

Expensive blinds score the highest in this case. They definitely help you save energy. Their better insulation quality keeps your room warmer in winter and cooler in summer. This leads to low energy bills.

Whereas, cheap blinds don’t provide this kind of insulation. That means your cooling and heating systems will have to work hard. This will lead to high energy bills. And who wants to pay more when you have an energy-efficient option available?

Are Cheap Blinds More Cost-Effective In Edmonton?

It’s human nature that we always run after something low-cost. That’s why maybe we get attracted toward cheap blinds as they cost less. However expensive blinds can be beneficial in the long run.

If you have a budget constraint or if you are looking for an affordable option, cheap blinds are the right choice for you in Edmonton. Whereas, expensive blinds can help you save money in the long run. Because they are durable and energy-efficient.

How Does Cheap Blinds Impact Your Home’s Value In Edmonton?

Imagine you are buying a new house in Edmonton. What will attract you more or convince you about the quality of the house? Obviously the quality of the furniture or decor of the house, right? If you visit a house with cheap blinds installed, will that convince you to buy that house? 

Expensive blinds are very important to enhance the overall look of your house. Their elegant look increases the value of your house. These blinds are proof of quality and they can convince a buyer to buy your house. 

Cheap blinds are also useful, but they don’t work great to enhance the value of your home.

How Convenient Cheap Blinds Are?

If we talk about convenience, expensive blinds will shine through. Because cheap blinds need manual adjustment. Whereas, you can control expensive blinds with a remote or from your smartphone. This feature is very useful for those places in the house where you cannot reach easily. 

So we can say that expensive blinds are more convenient than cheap blinds. The convenience of motorized blinds can make your life easier.

Are Cheap Blinds Environment-Friendly?

As responsible human beings, we all should be concerned about the environment. So, while choosing blinds you should opt for an option that adds some value to the environment.

 Cheap blinds are made from non-recyclable materials. This doesn’t make them an eco-friendly option for your home. They don’t last long and so you have to buy blinds more often. This eventually contributes to waste.

Whereas, expensive blinds are made from high-quality materials, which make them last long. Their sustainable and recycled materials help reduce waste.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which blinds should we choose for the long run?

Expensive blinds can be costly, but they will help you save money in the long run. They last for a long time, don’t need regular replacement, and help reduce energy bills. 

2. Which things should we consider when buying blinds?

To buy blinds for your home, you should check the materials, durability, style, and other features like energy efficiency. You should think about whether you want blinds that help with energy savings or offer convenience, like motorized controls.

3. Are expensive blinds worth it?

If you want better quality, durability, and other features you can opt for expensive blinds. Your home becomes more comfortable and stylish with these blinds.

What Sets Sun Blinds Apart?

It is very crucial to choose the right blinds for your home. That’s why Sun Blinds is here to help you select the perfect match for your sweet home in Edmonton. 

With over 20 years of experience, we know how to satisfy our customers. We are happy to help you explore our high-quality products in affordable price ranges. Whether you need classic elegance or modern technology, Sun Blinds has your back.

The Final Stretch

It is not always about money when you choose between cheap blinds and expensive blinds. It is about how they will impact the overall look and functionality of your home. If you want something for the long run, now you know which one to choose. You have to keep in mind that the right blinds can change your space into something special.

If you are ready to make your windows the talk of the town, don’t hesitate to join hands with Sun Blinds. We have all the styles and features to make your home a perfect dreamland. 

Also, read our other blog: Blinds In Edmonton: A Budget-Friendly Home Improvement