The Connection Between Window Treatments and Directions

The Connection Between Window Treatments and Directions

The direction of your home is quite an important factor when it comes to choosing the correct window treatments. Think about it: if your room is east-facing, then it gets the direct sun rays in the morning. Now, if you are not a morning person, and your bedroom is in the east wing, would you want those bright rays to wake you up at the break of dawn? The answer is probably a huge no. So what can you do about it? Of course, get the right window coverings to set up light control. This post will shed light on (no pun intended!) how you can get the perfect window blinds or shades or shutters depending on the directions they are facing.

Impact of Directions on Window Treatments

South-facing homes might get higher energy bills in the summer because direct sunlight causes a higher buildup of heat. This means your AC has to work harder to keep your house cool. But this also means that your homes will remain heated in the freezing winters. The opposite happens if you have a north-facing home.

But your home doesn't need to be facing any of the compass directions. That will mean that it could be hit by the elements from multiple angles. In such cases, it makes sense to get customized window treatments that will keep your interiors cool or warm (depending on the season) and comfortable around the year.

Now let us take a clear look at how different directions of windows can affect the kind of window treatment you’d need.

1. East-facing Windows

As we mentioned before, this means direct and glaring light in the early hours that will slowly turn mellow and diffused as the day progresses. In such rooms, dark colours look gloomy but with light colours and sheer fabrics, the softness of the sunlight can be enhanced.

But the kitchen or living room can benefit from the morning rays. So customize your window coverings with Sun Blinds to filter how much light you would want in your space at any point in time in the day.

2. West-facing Windows

The bright orange and red hues in the afternoons and evenings can be overwhelming so neutral or cool tones work best in these windows. Also, blinds are great options as window treatments since they allow you to face the heat and glare while ensuring that you do not lose out on the natural lighting. You can change the angles of blinds, diffusing light without completely blocking it!

3. South-facing Windows

We have already talked about south-facing windows a couple of lines above. We know that with the right window treatments, you can enjoy the winter chill and the summer heat in these rooms. But you would need professional window treatment designers to get the best deal.

At Sun Blinds, you can choose from a range of energy-efficient window treatment choices that can make your rooms comfortable and cosy.

4. North-facing Windows

These windows receive a lot of natural light but not direct sunlight. You can take advantage of this gentle light with light-coloured décor and correct window coverings. One great choice is cordless blinds and shutters. They provide a clean and uncluttered look. Also, they have sensors and timers and can change with the changing light, meaning little to no supervision on your part!


No matter what the direction of your home is, we have an expert team at Sun Blinds who can work with you to provide the window treatment of your dreams! With on-site consultation and installation, you can rest assured that you will get the best quality that will last. To know more, contact us today!

Also Read our other article: Know Why Window Blinds Are A Big Deal For Homeowners?

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