6 Reasons You Should Switch To Automated Blinds

6 Reasons You Should Switch To Automated Blinds

Get cool (figuratively and literally!) with automated blinds this summer. Manual blinds are slowly becoming a thing of the past. People might think that you belong to the fossil age or the age of dinosaurs (that’d be pretty cool too, eh?) if you are still not using automated blinds. These blinds have made light and privacy control issues simpler and more convenient. Read on to find out how they work and why you should switch to them today!

What Are Automated Blinds?

Well, the name itself gives it out. Automated systems control motorized and automated blinds. They also help in controlling light and privacy settings as manual blinds do. However, with an automated system, it has become much easier to open and close them. You can do that as you please. Moreover, the automation system has a quiet presence in the house. Your guests won’t even notice them! Much like your manual blinds, they are pretty stylish too. So, bring your tribe over for cosy Easter parties or Sunday brunches and stun them with these cool blinds!

How Do They Work?

These motorized blinds run on motors (du-uh!) Earlier, you needed a chain or a cord for manual blinds. Now, you can push a button on the remote control or the control panel and voila the blinds start working! Thus, you can lower the blinds or lift them without having to move from the couch or pausing your Fifa match. This motorization means your blinds have smoother movements. Thus, you have lower chances of breakage or damage. You can also program them in a manner that they lower and lift themselves at specific hours of the day. So, natural light can enter your house and they stay as well, heating your home from the inside. You also get privacy in the dark so that you can unwind and relax without the outside world’s encroachment. This is truly a marvellous system for modern households!

6 Benefits of Using Automated Blinds

You most probably do not use an old Windows version on your laptop right? Probably you use a Mac book that is highly advanced and helps you keep your personal and professional life balanced. You must be wondering why I am saying these things. Well, I am trying to make a straightforward point here. All these are the latest technological advancements that have been upgraded from the previous ones. They make life easier for us. So is the case with motorized blinds you see. They are just an upgrade from your manual blinds. They serve the same traditional purposes and have some added advantages.

Here are 8 top advantages that automated blinds bring to your abodes.

1. Provides Safety for Children and Pets

When it comes to your children’s safety, then you won’t want to compromise. Corded window coverings are a menace for your kids and your pets. They pose the threat of suffocation, especially if they come with loops. Automated blinds are cordless and pose minimal to no risk to your kids and pets. If you are a parent or a pet owner, then motorized blinds are ideal for your home.

2. Protects Your Furniture from the Sun

Your furniture and home décor can be irrevocably damaged as a result of sun exposure. Motorized blinds come with automated programming. This way you can control how much light enters your home and when.

You get automated blinds at Sunblinds YVR so that you do not have to check if the blinds are closed or not.

3. Extra Security

Security is not just that your blinds are closed when you are away from home. Automated blinds work throughout the day. So even when you are seven seas away, they will make it appear like you are not gone! Thus, they act as a deterrent to potential burglars and thieves. It’s a very accessible version of the dark knight! If you or your kids are Batman fans, these could be a cool addition to your already smart home!

4. Improves Quality of Sleep

With motorized blinds, say goodbye to sleeping in not-so-dark rooms or waking up to shrieking alarm clocks! The light-blocking opacity helps you sleep peacefully. Thus, you also wake up naturally. You have a balanced life as a result. A motorized blind thus enhances your quality of life and all adults know how vital that is!

5. Increased Value of Your Home

We can customize your windows. You will get the perfect blinds that will add value to your property. If you were ever to sell your house, you will have no trouble finding potential buyers. After all, who would want to let go of smart homes, eh?

6. Great Solution for Privacy Concerns

It has become very tricky to maintain privacy these days. The whole world is online so digital threats are rampant. Your home, however, is still your safe place. Motorized blinds further boost it. Your bedrooms and bathrooms can have large windows which will automatically be shut when you need them. You can program it so that it opens during the day and closes at night. Thus, you can have a truly safe place for yourself and your loved ones.

Why Us?

Build a smart home with automated blinds from Sunblinds YVR. It is cordless with sun sensors that will activate the blinds. It will easily integrate with the rest of your smart appliances and make your home smart, safe and secure. Get in touch with us for further details!

For More Information Visit Sun Blinds YVR

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